Dallington Asingwire


I am a professional software engineer and computer science instructor. and the founder of AgriX, Pivosoft, and Pivosoft Coding Academy. I graduated with First Class Honors as the top student in Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering from Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda. Previously, I volunteered as a visiting lecturer at Makerere University through the support of my former professors. Currently, I am a lecturer at the International Business, Science, and Technology University, where I teach students from diverse social and cultural backgrounds.

My commitment is to harness technology to tackle societal challenges. Notably, I have built software applications for small and medium-sized businesses in Kampala, such as Kimote Maize Factory, Kakongoriro Stores, and Collection Hub. Additionally, I have collaborated with Vastel Health, a private health company, and designed Vastel, a mobile application that enables patients seek medical services through virtual consultations with medical professionals.


From a young age, I aspired to become a resourceful scientist, inspired by the achievements of prominent figures such as Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Neils Bohr, and Galileo Galilei. As an engineer, this inspiration continues to motivate me to create innovative and impactful solutions for society.

My engineering journey took shape in 2016 when several organizations adopted my first software system for use in their business operations. This success increased my confidence in my problem solving abilities and my capacity to provide solutions to the community. Subsequently, I was motivated to create more software projects, which have since been acquired by factories, hotels, and supermarkets, and others.

Soon after completing my internship at Bank of Uganda, I conceived the idea of developing software systems in teams. This concept has since materialized as Pivosoft, a software company that develops software and trains young Ugandans in computer programming.

Dallington Asingwire in 2024


Dallington graduated with honors and as the best student in Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering in May 2021 from Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda. The Government of Uganda funded his undergraduate education after he emerged as one of the country's top students in the national high school examinations in 2016.

Prior to enrolling in the university, Dallington completed his Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) at St. John's S.S. Nyabwina, where he was also granted a scholarship. He majored in PCM/ICT (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Computer Studies) and obtained 18 out of 20 possible points, with an A in Mathematics, Bs in Physics and Chemistry, and 2 points for the auxiliary disciplines (General paper and computer studies).
Achievement: Emerged as the best student in the school, the entire district, and among the top students in the country.

From 2010 to 2013, Dallington attended Bugarama High School for Ordinary Level Education on a full scholarship, where he earned 14 aggregates out of 8 and was the top student in terms of overall school O-level achievement.
Achievement: Emerged as the best student in the school, second best in the entire district, and among the top students in the country.

At Rweibaare Primary School, where he spent eight years, Dallington Asingwire began his academic career. He received an overall score of 7 out of 4, with a D1 in mathematics and D2s in science, English, and social studies. He was the best student and received a Primary Leaving Examination (PLE) Certificate.
Achievement: Emerged as the best student in the school, and among the best students in the country.

Awards and Honors
First Class Honors
  • Awarded to students who have achieved a high level of academic excellence in their studies
  • Makerere University 2021
    Dean's Award
  • Awarded to students who have achieved high academic standing in their course of study
  • Makerere University 2016 - 2021
    Leadership Training Certificate
  • Awarded for having participated in the inaugural leadership seminar
  • Makerere University 2018
    Outstanding service as Minister for Justice Affairs at the School of Computing
  • Awarded for exceptional leadership as minister in charge of justice and constitutional affairs
  • Makerere University 2017
    The Goverment of Uganda Academic merit
  • Awarded by the Goverment of Uganda for emerging the best student in the dictrict and ranking among top students in the national high school examinations to pursue my undergraduate studies at Makerere University
  • Goverment of Uganda 2016 - 2020
    Best Student Overall Award
  • Awarded for emerging the best student in the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Examinations (UACE) in the entire school
  • St.John's S.S Nyabwina 2016
    Outstanding Student Award
  • Awarded for exemplary behaviour or conduct in the entire school
  • St.John's S.S Nyabwina 2014, 2015
    Best Student Overall Award
  • Awarded for emerging the top student in the Uganda Ordinary Certificate of Examinations (UCE) in the entire school
  • Bugarama High School 2014
    Outstanding Service Award for information prefect
  • Awarded for outstanding leadership as prefect incharge of information
  • Bugarama High School 2011, 2012
    Outstanding Service Award for prefect in charge of Academics
  • Awarded for outstanding leadership as academics prefect
  • Bugarama High School 2012

    Teaching Experience

    International Business, Science And Technology University (ISBAT) | Computer Science Instructor | August 2022 - present

    Makerere University | Visiting Lecturer | November 2021 - August 2022

    St. John's S.S Nyabwina | Student Teacher | March 2016 - August 2016

    Sheema Girls School | Student Teacher | March 2016 - August 2016

    Work Experience

    KEIPhone Global | Full-Stack Software Engineer | February 2022 - August 2023

    Africa One | Full-Stack Software Engineer | February 2021 - January 2022

    Pegasus Technologies | Full-Stack Software Engineer | June 2020 - January 2021

    Bank of Uganda | Software Development Engineering Intern | July 2019 - August 2019

    Makerere University | Software Development Engineering Intern | June 2019 - July 2019

    Technical Competence
    Language Framework
    Web Application Development
    Javascript/Typescript React, Next.js, and Angular.Js
    PHP Laravel, CakePHP
    Mobile Application Development
    Javascript/Typescript React Native
    Android Kotlin
    Microservice/API Application Development
    PHP Laravel
    C# ASP.NET
    Javascript Node.js
    Python Django
    Database Management
    SQL Using Microsoft Server Management Studio (MSMS)
    MySQL Using PhpMyAdmin
    MongoDB Using MongoDB Compass
    PostgreSQL Using PgAdmin
    Code Hosting & Software Deployment
    Amazon Web Services (AWS) Using EC2, RDS etc.
    SSH access Using Secure Socket Shell
    Deployment Tools Docker, FileZilla
    Git Github
    Software Projects
    I have worked on or developed the following software projects and/or products:
    Project Description
    Educate! CMS (Node.js, Next.js, PostgreSQL, Tailwind CSS, RabbitMQ, Typescript, Knex.js) Educate! Contractor Management System is a cloud-based software application that enables Educate! to manage contractor data including their profiles, contracts, and payments. It also allows the team to manage vendors and staff information.
    AgriX (Node.js, PostgreSQL, REST API Development, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, RabbitMQ, Typescript, Knex.js) AgriX is a platform that enables farmers to easily access the market for their agricultural produce, purchase agro-inputs, access valuable farming tips, and obtain weather information. This empowers farmers to make informed decisions, maximize their yields, and offers consumers the opportunity to buy high-quality fresh produce.
    Vastel (React Native, Javascript, Laravel) a mobile application that enables patients seek medical services through virtual consultations with medical professionals.
    A secure layer for a desktop weather data repository (Angular, CodeIgniter) As security becomes an increasing concern, data in a distributed environment is susceptible to inappropriate manipulation. Due to the significance of weather data, there was a need for mechanisms to protect this information from the time it is collected until it is used for forecasting and prediction. conducted research, designed, and implemented a secure layer for a desktop repository of weather data.
    Kakongoriro Stores (Laravel, Bootstrap, Jquery, AJax) Kakongoriro Stores leverages a point of sale web system to efficiently handle their procurement, inventory management, handling of damaged stock, supplier relationships, expenditure tracking and audit trail.
    Collection Hub (Laravel, Bootstrap, Jquery, AJax) Collection Hub uses a point of sale web based system for effectively overseeing inventory, sales, supplier and their transactions, expenditure, customers, and report generation.
    Hotel Management System PHP (Laravel) In addition to being integrated with EFRIS, which makes it tax compliant in Uganda, hotel owners use this software to manage accomodation (guests and rooms), restaurant and bar, point of sale, store and procurement, housekeeping, human resource (staff, staff salaries, and other payments), expenses, finances, accounting, revenue reports, system audit, and so on.
    Office Solution PHP (Laravel) Used by organizations to manage their project tasks, staff roles and departments, organizational expenditures, record staff attendance and generate reports on expenditures and staff attendance.
    School Management System PHP (Laravel) School Management System (SMS) helps school administrators to manage students, subjects and examinations, class timetables, student payment information, and users that include teachers, accountants, among others.
    Online examination system The system allows students to log in and access their online examinations. They are evaluated immediately following exam submission.
    simple unit converter (PHP) a software that the user can use in performing basic math operations.
    UTLAgent (C#, HTML, Bootstrap) allows a Telecom (UTL) agent to register a customer, deposit and withdraw money from the customer's account, view customer information including customer account balance, view a list of transactions, among others
    UTLAgent API (C#) C# ASP.NET application programming interface (API) that processes requests from the UTLAgent web portal
    ParkPro (React Native, Typescript, Laravel) *ongoing Parkpro is a mobile application that enables drivers to find affordable parking in the cities. The app will enable drivers to quickly locate available parking places which reduces the time spent in search of parking.

    Articles published on Dev Community

    Strategic Vision

    Phone Number +256 700 477421
    Email asingwire50dallington@gmail.com

    Favorite Quotes


    "We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive.He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love." Martin Luther King

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    "Everybody is a genius.But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." Albert Einstein

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    "I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." Galileo

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